Sunday Dinners

On nights like these, recipes come with a dash (or two) of wisdom and create a connection to culture. This is when dining rooms become a backdrop for warm moments, and laughs become lasting memories. Sunday Dinner is special because it’s where you can share the love to your heart’s content.

Family gathered around a table of food for sunday dinner
Photos of female family members

Sunday Dinner means something different to every generation. Get unique perspectives on what this tradition means and why it’s so important.

For Alana of Marietta, Georgia, Sunday Dinner is a highlight because it means great food and family time. Delicious smells fill the loving environment where they catch up and have fun. But it’s more than just about having a good time.

This is also where she’s inspired by the advice from her parents and grandparents. Week by week, she understands more and more that these moments will help guide her to becoming the person she’s going to be. 

As the family matriarch, Onetra of Conway, South Carolina, has seen it all when it comes to Sunday Dinner—she knows just how powerful it is. No matter how busy or far apart they are, she can count on this tradition to bring together multiple generations under one roof.

It’s a point of great pride for her, seeing the people she cares about most bonding through the food and fond memories that unite them.

Juanita of Tampa, Florida, heads a household that brings together African American and Caribbean experiences. With two cultures represented at the table, Sunday Dinner serves as a bridge that bonds her family to their roots.

At the same time, it’s an opportunity for Juanita to look back on the lessons passed down to her, guiding her as she pours love and wisdom into her own children.

Enjoy these delicious, simple-to-make recipes at your next Sunday Dinner.

Caribbean-Style Chicken Curry Stew with Roti Wraps

Caribbean-Style Chicken Curry Stew with Roti Wraps